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The Golf Swing

The golf swing can be smooth and easy, or very complicated depending on how we approach it. There is no singular way to swing the club and we can see many unique and successful swing styles across men and women's professional golf. The key is to find a swing that works for you, feels natural, and contains an element of longevity so you can repeat it for many years to come. The golf swing can be an aggressive action placed upon our body, so understanding our physical limitations and considering injuries or ailments we have as individuals is important to ensure we can remain healthy when we play and practice golf. Stretching before you play and incorporating a regular fitness routine into your weekly schedule is highly recommended.  

Golf Swing

The sections below include various videos about golf swing fundamentals, certain swing fixes, and some swing elements you may want to incorporate into you game. Check back often as more will be added regularly.

Swing Fundamentals

The Importance of Alignment & Stance

Get to the Lead Side Through Impact

Your Back is Key for a Better Swing

Ideal Ball Positions for Better Ball Striking

How to Crush Your Driver

Turning Your Body in the Golf Swing

Initiate the Lower Body in the Downswing

Warm-Up Drill for Better Contact

Adjust Your Setup for Pure Iron Contact

Get to Your Lead Side for More Power

Additional Links to Some of My Short Video Tips to Help with Fundamental Elements of the Golf Swing

- a tip to help with striking through the ball rather than at the ball.

- a fun tip to help improve your hip action throughout the swing.

- a tip that demonstrates the feeling of achieving forward shaft lean.

- a demonstration of how to keep the arms connected in the swing.

- a suggestion to help us relax and impact and promote a good turn.

Swing Fixes and Tips

Cure Over-the-Top Swing (Slice Fix)

Stop Hanging Back in the Golf Swing

Fix Your Early Extension! Check Posture!

Fix Toe Hits and Gain Distance

Unleash Your Lead Side and Gain Swing Speed

Slow Down Your Transition

Squeeze Your Elbows

Fixing the Reverse Pivot

Swing Wrong to Swing Right

Fire the Hips in the Downswing

Use the Lower Body for Better Contact

A Release Tip That Can Lower Scores

Turn Your Body, Not Arms

Two Tips for Swing Speed

Additional Links to Some of My Short Video Tips to Help Improve Your Swing or Solve Issues

- a tip to help avoid those big slices and improve shot shape.

- casting the club is a common issue and this tip should help.

- a tip to help correct your swing path to hit better golf shots.

- a tip to help free help avoid attempting too much clubface control.

- tips on how to recover your swing when things go bad on the course.

Expanding Shot Making Abilities, Etc.

How to Shape Your Golf Shots

Keep Your Arms in Front of Your Chest

Chase Distance or Swing Easy?

Quiet Swing Thoughts & Focus on Shots

Half-Swing for Control & Consistency

Bunker Shots & Considing Options

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